Greenville, South Carolina Commercial Photographer

October 11, 2023

Room + Revival

This is such a fun one today! Room + Revival was so cool to work with as a Greenville, South Carolina commercial photographer. When Town Magazine reached out to me about the opportunity to capture a story about Jessica Kilcoyne’s Rivivalist creativity for their Home Issue, there was no way I could refuse. Capturing portraits and creative spaces is easily a favorite of mine as a photographer. I’m so stoked to tell you all about this experience today!

Greenville, SC commercial photography featuring subject sinning on chair in living room.

Stepping Into This Photography Experience

When Town pitched this project to me to photograph Jessica and her creativity with Room + Revival, I was initially honored. Mostly because working with other creatives is such a passion of mine and Town Magazine is a gorgeous magazine. They sent over their mood board, gave me contacts to connect with and the location to head to! When I arrived to Jessica Kilcoyne’s AirBnb, the Pettigru House, it immediately felt so inviting and cozy, like a breath of fresh air. It was truly an expression of Jessica’s entire welcoming personality. She was so hospitable and kind.

Subject sitting with emerald green tile in Greenville, SC commercial photography.
Tile featured in Greenville, SC Airbnb photo.

What We Photographed

After our initial greetings were made and the photography gear all set up, it was time to start photographing. In this Greenville, South Carolina Airbnb, we started with portraits of Jessica in her main bedroom to highlight the homes original emerald green tile. We even photographed the time that Jessica revived on her own whenever her contractors said it would be impossible – hence the name Room + Revival. Naturally, our writer of this article, Brendan Blowers absolutely included this tile in his writing.

Greenville, SC commercial photography featuring thrifted artwork in kitchen.

Shortly after this, we focused our attention on the gorgeous kitchen which was actually two rooms combined into a cafe style seating area. Much of the art inside the Pettiru House kitchen was actually thrifted and revived. Jessica mentioned that she considers herself not an interior designer or DIYer, but someone “nurturing a patient back to health”.

Greenville, SC commercial photography featuring styled kitchen and goodies.

Combined Artistry For A Final Result

After photographing final details, that was a wrap! Submitting all the images from this day made me feel so giddy, I loved almost every photo I captured. Brendan couldn’t have written a more beautiful article and Town’s selection in images truly brought this story to life. I highly encourage you to read the entire story!

Greenville, South Carolina Commercial Photographer

Working with Jessica Kilcoyne and the team at Town Magazine was so lovely and I really enjoyed the entire process. Being fully creative with other creatives around you is actually a dream job. If you’re looking to collaborate and bring your business to life through Greenville, South Carolina commercial photography, I’d be so delighted to connect!

Creative Partners:

Editor: Laura Allhouse

Creative Director: Jen Jefferson

Writer: Brendan Blowers

Photography: Savannah Bockus

Publication: Town Magazine

Subject: Jessica Kilcoyne


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Savannah Bockus - Greenville, South Carolina photographer -

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